The Midnight Watch

Holding on 'til the next shift.

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S'a hammerin'.

#1 In Character Board » Twilight in Blackwell » 2020-05-29 15:15:50

Marcus Kobra
Replies: 0

Judicael woke with a jolt, a long knife coming up and stopping short of a familiar pair of dark eyes flickering in the the waning hearth-fire. Those eyes were somewhat wider, wilder than normal, greasy brown hair lay askew and matted to a puckered brow.
“We must away Cousin, they've come. . .  Tis already begun in the city proper.”
Jud grunted and rubbed his eyes.
“Jirren, wha-how?” He yawned
“No time, yer riding boots and breeches, grab a gambes--” Jirren's harsh whisper was cut short as the chamber door swung open with a bang. Neither recognized him but his eyes were cold coals in the flickering light, moonlight from the hall cast his shadow like Death's own specter across the bed.
“Yer afforded the right of ransom if yer surrender!” he cried looking directly at Jud. Jirren did not hesitate and sprung forward with a practiced overhand swing of his claymore. The would be assailant raised his shield but not nearly soon enough. Jirren's blade connected sinking into the wooden targe a good three inches and sundered the shadow's face. He shrieked as bright crimson splattered the white washed plaster of the walls. Jirren stepped in on the back swing pressing the howling man into the wall and brought the blade firmly against his throat and gave a quick jerk opening his neck. A gurgle, wide eyes pleading, then silence after he hit the floorboards with a thud.

Jirren spun on a heel and beckoned for Jud to hurry whilst he watched the door. Moments later, yet an eternity in silence the pair stepped into the hall, the moonlight bathed the oak floors brightly but every wall sconce, table, and potted plant created ominous shadows. They crept out into a study when Jirren paused and pointed with his blade to a nearby planter. Jud's mouth curled up on one side as his nose wrinkled and his eyes squint into the twilight. He saw nothing. Jirren crept into the room a bit more then like a fencer with a foil he sprung forward blade leading. Suddenly from right beside the plant, foliage dropped and a figure skittered back. A click followed by a thunk was heard then a clatter of the figures hand crossbow as his weapon hissed from its scabbard. The figure was clad in green and his blade gave no reflection in the moonlight. A twirling swing from Jirren had the sneak on the defensive yet other shadows rose up about him. Another leveled swing to his right then over hand to his left had two such shadows crying out from the darkness. The first looked left then right and began stalking around a large Yewwood desk. Cold comfort for a man armed with a short sword but effective at keeping the cleaving monster at bay.
“Baron will pay you for that one!” His chin thrust towards Jud yet his eyes lingered on Jirren drifting across the room.
Jirren turned slightly letting the moonlight wash over him in profile, the shadow's face sunk when he gazed upon the black scale mail and ashen black sash. He would not sway this adversary.
“I am an Ebonguard, a sworn cousin, I serve without question, because that is what I do. If death comes, I will fight with strength. The darkness may claim me but I will not fade without resistance. In my final moments, my foes will pay a dear price for my life; My vengeance will never be enough for all the grief you've wrought Covian dog!” As Jirren finished his epithet a long shadow grabbed Jud, a side table toppled and both landed upon a runner. Jud grasped for anything he could as his assailant grinned from ear to ear with cold eyes and drew out his knife. His stretching hand wrapped about a silver candle holder and he swung with all his might. The assailant fell back and Jud pounced swinging repeatedly. Heavy thuds gave way to wet and sickly noises, his foe groaned and gurgled then went silent and still Jud swung.
Across the room Jirren's glare fell upon the remaining Covian, he stepped left and the Covian went right, then the other way, then two more opposite. He could not circle around and leave Jud open, nor could he close with his foe. They went back and forth for mere moments eyes darting then like lightning Jirren sent a decanter of Brandy sailing at his foe and leapt upon the desk swinging low in a sweeping arc. His blade skittered off the leathers of the Covian but he kicked out one long leg and caught him in the chin sending him sprawling. He stepped off the desk and brought his boot down upon the man's chest knocking the wind full from him, a two handed coupe de grace between the gorget seam ended it quickly. He spun and rushed to Jud and yanked him off his foe the candle stick clattering and rolling across the floor through an ever ebbing sanguine pool. He shoved his charge towards the kitchen and the scullery door. There in the kitchen they found the old maid, two quarrels protruding from her chest. Both froze and stared, the night was already so barbaric, but then this....

Their stunned pause was broken by the rapport of cannons firing.
“My Father, where is he Jirren!?”
“No time that’s the robinets, means the Covians are here in force or will be soon. Go out the door now, towards the stable.”
They rushed towards the stable as the cannons boomed again, fire and lightning shot towards the guns then bounced back and once again. The house Wizard's wards had worked however the Covian Arcanist out there would have those same wards, yet while the crews remained unscathed the guns unloaded a deadly hail of grape sized lead.
“Lets see them ward that!”
Only one horse remained, a beast even the Dragoons ignored, an old nag but she could canter faster than most men could run. They got her saddled and out the gate when a pair of arrows struck the dirt near them.
“'Lo there! Hold fast, those next shots will nay miss. By order of em Baron yer to surrender Ser!”
Four Bronze Clad men closed with them. Jirren helped hoist Jud into the saddle, they looked each other in the eyes. Jirren's clear and piercing whilst Jud's wavered. Both knew what came next. “Hiya!” Jirren smacked the old nag and sent her galloping along. The archers fired and narrowly missed as Jirren stalked up to the other pair. The clash of metal upon metal rang out. Jud could still hear their battle for many minutes above the old nags hooves churning dirt and mud, the roar of cannon rang out again then fell silent. The nag thundered on unguided, Jud had no time to take up the reigns and merely held on for his life. The city smoldered behind him, the sun had finally set upon Blackwell county.

#3 Re: Out of Character Board » Merry Christmas! » 2014-12-26 11:18:46

Merry Avamass! See you all in the new year!

#4 Re: Out of Character Board » To Snow Or Not To Snow » 2014-12-11 18:56:12

I'm just worried about the "Eternal" part. It is easy enough now to RP winter since a winter can look rather warm without ruining anyones immersion. Its very hard to RP summer with snow everywhere on the ground without having to think to yourself its a summer time blizzard. I say this because in some places it can get to be bitter cold enough to kill you in good weather gear yet never snow, and the area we inhabit on the shard isn't one known for its eternal winters... this isn't Daggers Isle. Unless the world gets hit by yet another curse in the form of an ice age. Massive glaciers pushing south from..... well Sosaria lacks a proper frozen pole but the closest thing to the arctic is again, Daggers Isle... I don't realistically see glaciers creeping from there to us anytime soon. The next obviously cold place would have to be Malas, snow capped mountains galore! So unless its some sort of magical doing I can't see a good reason for us to be under a possible eternal winter.

#5 Re: Out of Character Board » To Snow Or Not To Snow » 2014-12-10 18:00:24

Didn't you already mention going to snow would kill your already hand placed statics?

On another note eternal winter seems less likley than a "warm looking" winter

#6 In Character Board » The Howling Dark » 2014-11-27 02:30:17

Marcus Kobra
Replies: 0

Joachim stirred in his bed, the covers pulled tight about him. The small house creaked and the roof rattled as the wind outside picked up. It was dreadful cold as he resolved to put on more clothes. He grabbed his armour and donned it stuffing any open space with bandages and other bits of cloth or animal hide. A thin layer of frost had formed on the eastern wall of his bedroom. He lit an extra candle and waited for the sun to peek the horizon. An hour passed and he could now tell by the waxing light that it was in fact snowing. The flakes fell in a semi steady flurry whipped by the wind. Once it grew light enough he wandered into the street the flame on his candle shielded by one hand as he walked hunched over in the wind and the cold. He gave an audible sigh as he reached the blacksmith and warmed himself by the hot coals of the forge. He waited now for the snow to abate and the sun to rise ever higher into the morning sky. No dew would greet the villagers of Blackwell this morn.

     The ground crunched with frost and grass broke beneath his feet as he hefted his axe and trudged into the woods. He knew the work would warm him, and he knew as well that he and everyone in town would need wood for fire. So he set about the miserable task of felling a few trees, the noise of his cutting in the wee hours attracted unwanted attention. A green skinned shambling zombie stumbled through the trees and grappled him. Joachim bit off a scream of fright thinking better of it as he grunted and the creature moaned pressing closer to him kept at bay by only his axe. The creature pressed him for a few moments more before he set his heels gave a slight bit then pushed back tipping the creature into the trunk of a tree. A quick swing of his axe planted it into the creatures skull ending its existence. He left it slumped there as he removed a bandage and cleaned the axe then lit the same on fire. He moved off a few feet and continued his work on another tree a wary eye peeled to the forest about him and a grim glare in his eyes.

Winter had come, Blackwell was -not- prepared.

((OOC: Not certain but I may have logged in for the first snow in Blackwell. Winter has come!))

#7 Re: Other Games » My other games » 2014-11-27 01:38:06

Still not worth the price for the lack of production. We've funded them by buying a title they will never finish, approx 40M Pound or some shit. They used the money (apparently) to fund the making of the PS4 version.  If you want DayZ wait for the PS4 version, or grab Arma II and ArmaII: operation arrowhead then download the mod, or get the mod for Arma III and try out DayZ that way. The mod is far more advanced than the standalone is or apparently ever will be for PC.

#8 Other Games » My other games » 2014-11-23 15:41:12

Marcus Kobra
Replies: 4

Play both ArmaII and DayZ now that someone actually coded a new launcher for DayZ that works! I've had fun on both and have been wanting to get into some large scale adversarial senarios on Arma II. Even would love trying a bit of DayZ survival semi RP with folks. The game could benefit marvelously from a few folks actually TRYing to survive than the CoD DeathMatch that its evolved into (Maybe it was always like that, maybe its a symptom of the armmaments mods folks toss in like overwatch and overpoch of which both are nice cause I get alot of guys I recognize and have actually operated before however most servers have the loot tables so high that every house has a 7.62 Assault rifle in it.)

Got plans to get Arma III but the DayZ standalone has been at a standstill for so long and has reused so much of the DayZ/Arma II/III without yet surpassing the DayZ mod itself that I won't be buying it unless it magically goes on sale and I doubt a pre-release Alpha is going to go on sale.

Dungeons and Dragons Online, Star Trek Online, The Old Republic and Destiny for PS4 have been my hpbbies but nobody is playing them with me so I lose interest.

Also have some RTS like Company of Heroes 1 and 2, Empire: Total War, Rome: Total War 1 and 2, Star Wars Empire at War, Total WarL Shogun 2 May have the first Shogun too, Got Warhammer 40K Dawn of war and Dawn of War 2, oh and Evochron Mercenary that lost its fun appeal after again, nobody was playing with me. Single player in an expansive world tends to get me bored, especially when its an MMO but everyone else in it seem to be complete dumbasses or griefers.

#9 In Character Board » *Fliers written up on the backs of old maps and pinned up around town* » 2014-11-22 23:09:42

Marcus Kobra
Replies: 0

Looking for wood or Ingots to perform your craft?

I've got what you need wether you need enough to finish off that small project or enough to get your project done!

All Materials offered at BMA Suggested Retail prices plus a service fee!

Ask about bulk discounts!

Accepting coins, commodities for barter, and indentured services!

Come visit me at Building 1009 near the docks!

Ask for Joachim Weyland!

#11 Re: Out of Character Board » House Builder / Inside UO / 3rd party house designer. » 2014-11-21 23:07:02

I've had the same issue, but on top of that, I have no idea how to actually use said programs, Got UO House Bulter R13 and I've got CenrED.

Anyone know how to operate these, been wanting simply to fiddle, been wanting to try something for a character concept.

#12 In Character Board » Plugging the Hole! » 2014-11-18 15:45:48

Marcus Kobra
Replies: 0

Joachim woke from terrible nightmares shouting for help and for Avatar to save his soul. He blinked as his eyes adjusted to the dim light of the clinic. Lumbar stirred opening an eye then grunted before dozing back off. Joachim reached under the bunk and grabbed the liquor from the night before and took a great swig. Warmed and primed by his terrible dreams and assurances of his grace before Higher Being; Set out for the local woods to gather lumber and stones.

The swing of his hatchet was slow and excruciating but fueled by faith and indeed fear he pressed on dragging logs as much as carrying them back into town. Hours later he looked at the pile and deciding it would do... for now. He began to stake them into the ground propping up the wall, he then built a second row of stakes and using knobs of branch he managed to lay some cross ways forming a trough of sorts. It was this he would fill with stones and rocks tightly.

Trudging with his limp back out to the mine he climbed down into the hole with care. He tried a mighty swing of his pick and screamed, the sound echoing off the narrow passage of the mine. He groaned nearly fallen over from the pain in his back, the stitches nearly tearing out. He stayed this way for many moments before his resolve returned and with a much more tame swing managed to chip away and break the rocks. Using his apron as a sack he managed to slowly but surely make piles of usable stone.

He was no engineer or architect but he knew mortar was required when settings stones. He began crushing the smaller rocks to a powder like substance and using mud that had been churned up in the previous nights battle mixed it into a rudimentary mortar. He slopped in a base of the stuff inside his make shift trough and then stacked larger rocks in. Alternating in the mortar then more stones. Smaller stones were packed into the cracks until he had a fieldstone like wall neck high before him. It looked good to him.... felt safer at least!

He nodded then knelt there in the mud and remnants of rocks and mortar and said a small prayer, a blessing for his rudimentary construction, hopes that it might be imbued with  strength and wrath against any undead who might touch it.

#13 Re: General Chatter » Babble Thread! » 2013-05-30 16:03:35

Sup you mis adventurous lot. Old Kiran informed me of you (kill him not me)

So I resolved to say hullo!

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